Volunteer Ministry Opportunities




  • Activities & Events MinistryYour ideas are welcome. Contact Pastor Russell directly.
  • Culinary MinistryAssist kitchen staff with food prep and clean up. Contact Sis. Freddie Sanders
  • Hospitality Ministry– Please see Bro. Corey Ewing if you are interested in becoming a part of the Hospitality Ministry.
  • Media Ministry (Audio, Sound Check) – If you are gifted in this area, we need your skills, your ear, your hands. Contact Elder Thompson.
  • Men’s Ministry – Please see Elder Thompson if you are interested in being involved with our Men’s Ministry. 
  • Music Ministry– Please see Sister Sarah and Brother Corey if you are interested in being a part of the Praise team, sharing a special gift with the Body of Christ in song, praise dance, playing for the praise team, or singing in the Ensemble (choir). (Drums, Piano etc.)
  • Prayer Ministry/ Visitor Follow up – Please see Pastor Russell if you would like to join the prayer team
  • Praise Dance Ministry–  Praise Dance Sister Shana Watts if you are interested in being a part of the praise dance ministry
  • Usher Ministry: Please see Sister Jeanetta Sims if you are interested in becoming an usher in our Usher Ministry

 Email us today if you are interested in getting involved. 

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